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Wedding Centerpieces, Vases and More With Water Beads and Water Gel Crystals!!

Wedding Centerpiece Using Water Beads

Posted by on Dec 18, 2011 in Centerpieces |

Wedding Centerpiece Using Water Beads
  • SumoMe

What’s Impressing Suzie so Much?

How about a new Wedding Centerpiece using Water Beads!

Using a long vase can make a real difference as you can see in the wedding centerpiece using water beads.  The large wedding centerpiece uses a 24-inch vase with alot of white water beads.  Topped off with white artificial flowers and a few smaller vases or containers filled with water beads, you can create a simple design suitable for the most elegant wedding or engagement.

Water Beads in a Wedding VaseThe Water Beads for a Wedding CenterpieceWater Beads Vase for Wedding Centerpiece